Talking Sidewalks
Voices. Faces. Stories. Souls.

On the surface, Talking Sidewalks is a not for profit literary magazine which features the writing and artwork of authors and artists who have experienced poverty and homelessness. It is a place where both those without a home and students of UNC can connect and communicate. When you dig further however, you begin to see the greater purpose Talking Sidewalks serves.
When people think about the 'homeless' they think of those on the streets harassing you for money, cat-calling and danger. These aren't unreasonable assumptions and I would be surprised if anybody hasn't had at least one of these incidents. However, these are not the people we represent. There are true unsung heros in our community that have seen hard times and will undoubtedly see harder times to come. They have lost their ability to not only talk to people, but lost the ability to be heard. Although many of our Authors suffer from the effects of poverty and homelessness they try to make the best of their situation.
By publishing a bi-annual and free magazine, Talking Sidewalks aims to right the unfair stereotypes and to give the voiceless a means of communication. We aim to encapsulate the spirit of those on the streets, raise awareness of those effected and to express the thoughts and share the wisdom of those who have experienced the most.
"Been there, done that, still standing."
- Keith B. Morgan (T.S. Author)