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Talking Sidewalks is a literary magazine featuring the writing
and artwork of authors and artists who have experienced poverty and homelessness.


Inspired through conversations with Phillip Personette in Fall of 2008, (some of which can be seen in the documentary Faces of Franklin), the meetings began and the stories began to flow. Community members, students and contributors learn together and share their stories and their lives during the meetings.


Meetings are held every Wednesday night at 7:00pm in the IFC Community House Shelter, and the Homestart Women’s Shelter in Chapel Hill, NC. The Magazine is published twice a year, when writings and artwork from the contributors are compiled into a 40 page magazine. Talking Sidewalks is distributed freely throughout the community in Chapel Hill, NC and of course, here at


Talking Sidewalks is a project of HOPE (Homeless Outreach Poverty Eradication) of the Campus Y, at UNC Chapel Hill.


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